
When Bob McQueen's father bought Llanbedr Hall in the 1950s, it was nearly derelict. He transformed it into a hotel and country club which he operated until he transferred ownership of it to Bob in the 1970's.

In 1975 Bob and his wife Annie retired from their fast paced life in California, and ran a retreat centre on the estate that enabled people to renew themselves by experiencing the centre's peaceful, open and friendly atmosphere. Bob and Annie returned to California in 1981 to raise a family, and for 20 years were fortunate to have Mike and Doreen Kearns and their son-in-law Stephen manage the property.

After Bob's father died, Bob and Annie sold Llanbedr Hall but retained ownership of the southern wing which they renamed Cedar Gardens. They upgraded the facilities to provide a special environment for use by themselves, family and friends.

Cedar Gardens has been and continues to be Bob and Annie McQueen's home in Wales. Spending time at Cedar Gardens has made an important contribution to dissipating the stress in their lives and rejuvenating their spirits.

In 2015, Bob and Annie decided to establish "The Friends of Cedar Gardens" Association to offer the same opportunity they had to others who sought a special place in which to rejuvenate their spirits.