Building: High Performance Organizations
In over 20 years of real-world experience, OLC has helped organizations develop specific "Organizational Capabilities" that enable the achievement of high performance, foster innovation and engagement, and help knowledge workers use their full potential.
OLC's "Bigger Pie" Initiative
Let's stop arguing about who gets the biggest piece of the pie, let's work together to make a bigger pie. Lack of knowledge... that is the problem -W. Edwards Deming
"How do you make a bigger pie?" The purpose of "The Bigger Pie Initiative" is to share OLC's answers to this this question with individuals and groups who seek ways to build a better world for all.
Building the Foundation for Learning and Change
The foundation for successful change involves: a) knowing what to change, b) why the change will result in improved performance, and c) how to achieve the desired change. Achieving parts a and b requires a valid theoretical framework for analyzing operation and identifying high-leverage change areas. Achieving part c requires the knowledge of how to change, the competencies needed to change, and a culture supportive of change.
Learning how to identify high-leverage change areas, develop the ability to establish a shared vision for change, and develop the competencies and culture needed to change are important goals for any organizations seeking to change.
It is important for organizations to avoid having external consultants lead change initiatives. The appropriate role for external consultants is to support organizational members in both learning how to change and learning how to undertake improvement initiatives. It is by learning through experiences that organizations develop their competencies to manage change. A valuable first step in any change effort is to undertake an assessment of where the organization stands, to identify the areas where change would be most beneficial. This assessment needs to cover both technical and human factors that influence performance.
The OLC Organizational Competencies Assessment and methodology for assessing historical events enables an organization to identify the strengths and weaknesses of an organization in competency areas important to achieving high performance. It includes the identification of cultural characteristics which organizational members believe need to change to help achieve improvement. Having a valid measurement system, such as the OLC Organizational Competencies Assessment, for measuring competencies important to achieving high performance is an essential asset in today’s competitive marketplace.
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