Leg One - Accessing Inner Wisdom

Building a traditional brick building requires that the bricks used are suitable for the purpose. In building the future of human society each individual is a brick and has a unique responsibility for their own development and their ability to contribute to the vision of “let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me”.

Over the centuries of human development sages and religious leaders have asserted that we are not only physical, mental human beings but also spiritual beings with an inner spiritual wisdom that can guide us. Also, that love is the pathway to human well-being and that love should not be viewed as romantic love but the love that we feel in our relationships with each other.

Our traditional educational system does an excellent job in helping us gain professional wisdom and knowledge to enable us to contribute to human material well-being. The experience of love is a message of our inner wisdom that speaks to our hearts. Being awake to our inner wisdom is essential to learning how to love, experiencing love of ourselves and love of each other. Our relationships with nature and each other are the schools of learning through which we can improve our ability to love.

Russians Gurdjieff and Ouspenskii were earlier proponents of the concept of being awake and its importance. A primary challenge each human being faces is to understand the concept of being awake as a spiritual being. Being awake is essential to being a fully alive human being and an active participant in facilitating positive personal and human evolution. Each person needs to learn how to be more awake to hear their inner wisdom and identify and pursuing pathways for achieving it; examples include meditation and immersing oneself in nature.

Key Thoughts

  • The foundation upon which human society will evolve and build a happy, healthy and equitable world are individual human beings.
  • Each person is responsible for learning to be awake to their inner spiritual wisdom and learning how to love from their life experiences.
  • Being awake is essential to be a fully alive human being and an active participant in facilitating positive personal and human evolution.
  • The personal stress each person faces from the challenges in their daily lives and the culture of the society they live in influences their ability to be awake to their inner wisdom.
  • Each person needs to learn how to be more awake to hearing their inner wisdom and find their pathway for achieving it.
  • Leg Two - Learning to Be Better Partners

    Leg Three - Defining Humankind’s Evolutionary Vision

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