Leg Three - Defining Humankind’s Evolutionary Vision

Science is continually enhancing our understanding of the nature of our universe and the world we live in. Science has not generated information to help us answer the deeper question that I believe has been of primary importance to human beings for over 200,000 years which is “what is the purpose of this gift called life?”

Today there are over 4000 religions on planet Earth and many answer the question on the purpose of human life as being to love ourselves, love each other and build heaven on earth. The Buddha shared his view that “love is the gift of one’s innermost soul to another so both can be whole”. The highest definition of love in Hinduism Is Atama Prema which states “If you do not love yourself, you cannot love anyone else with your whole heart.

Two statements of Jesus listed in the Bible are 1) You shall love your neighbor as yourself and 2) Love each other just as I have loved you. As part of his Sermon on the Mount Jesus provided the Beatitudes which defined a learning system and human characteristics that are important to being loving, awake and partners in building heaven on earth.

I recognize that if one assembled all the books that have been written to interpret what Jesus and many other respected religious leaders really meant on the purpose of life, they would fill a football stadium. I would suggest that the key to the future of humankind is not in those books but is in the ability of each of us to awaken to our personal inner wisdom and recognize our partnerships as an environment in which we can learn to love. Learning how to improve our ability to love requires us to be open to our inner wisdom and the guidance it provides in the choices and actions we take in our daily lives; our life is an opportunity to learn to love ourselves, each other and together evolve as we help build a positive future for ourselves, our children and our planet.

Key Thoughts

  • Science has not provided an answer to the question, what is the purpose of this gift call life?
  • There are over 4000 religions recognized today on planet Earth and many answer the question on the purpose of human life as being to love ourselves, love each other and build heaven on earth.
  • In the Beatitudes Jesus defined a learning system and human characteristics that are important to being loving, awake and partners in building heaven on earth.
  • Learning how to improve our ability to love requires us to be open to our inner wisdom and the guidance it provides in the choices and actions we take in our daily lives.
  • Life provides an opportunity for us to learn to love ourselves, each other and together evolve as we help build a positive future for ourselves, our children, and our planet.
  • Leg One - Accessing Inner Wisdom

    Leg Two - Learning to Be Better Partners

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