Developing An OD Resource Base

OLC recognizes that many OD professionals and organizational leaders have been developing and testing methodology to help organizations prosper and contribute to the well-being of employees and society and is seeking to partner with them to develop and make available on a website a resource base of tools, methods and case studies that can be used to help improve organizational prosperity and the well-being of society.

It is recognized that for OD professionals and organizational leaders to partner with others in developing a common resource base they have to be inspired by “What” the purpose is “Why” it is important and “How” the resource base will be established.

Tabs on this website provide information to encourage OD professionals and organizational leaders to partner together to build a common resource base.

OLC plans to establish a website “” on which to post resources to share with other OD professionals. Resources made available by other OD professionals can be included on the site. Hopefully, an Inspired OD working group will be established to manage the website into the future. Bob McQueen is currently the organizer of three Meetup groups in the Bay Area: Inspired Leadership in OD, Silicon Valley OD network and Bay Area Organizational Development Network. There are currently around a thousand OD professionals signed up to these Meetup groups. It is desirable to establish one larger Meetup group for this initiative to develop a tools, methods and case studies database.

You have probably received a message from Bob asking you to join the Inspired Leadership in OD Meetup group If you wish to participate in the suggested project to develop a resource website. You don’t have to review all the information on this website to make the choice.

Please provide any thoughts you have on working together to build an OD resource base to Bob’s email Also, if you are willing to be part of a working group to help make this happen, Bob would appreciate the help; each so please let him know.

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