The Challenge of Embracing a Fundamentally Different Management Paradigm

One of the difficult challenges all of us face is to recognize the potential value of a new paradigm that is fundamentally different than the one we have believed all our lives. This is a challenge facing leaders in business and industry who have been successful in their lives so far by using the traditional management paradigm referred to by Peter Drucker as "Command-And-Control. Management.”

Organizational leaders sponsoring the development of a process-based partnership organization are embracing a fundamentally different management paradigm than they have experienced in their careers. A synonym for team is partnership. A partnership organization is committed to organizational teamwork. The chart below illustrates that change over time of the importance of various paradigms management. It illustrates that in recent years the process management and teamwork paradigms have been increasing in importance. Many organizations have explored and attempted to integrate these paradigms.

Gaining support within the organization for exploring the implementation of the new paradigm is enabled by undertaking an experiential learning pilot project in the organization where improvement in performance is needed. Organizational leaders need practical experience that a new paradigm can be applied successfully in their organization to pursue it.

Key Thoughts

  • Leaders are challenged to pursue a process-based partnership organizational paradigm that is fundamentally different from the one they embraced in the past.
  • A partnership organization is committed to organizational teamwork.
  • Many management paradigms have been pursued in the past and their popularity has changed over time.
  • In recent years the process management and teamwork paradigms have been increasing in importance.
  • Gaining support for exploring the implementation of a new paradigm is enabled by undertaking an experiential learning pilot project.
  • Organizational leaders need practical experience that a new paradigm can be applied successfully in their organization to pursue it.
  • 1. Alleviating the Symptoms of Societal ill Health and Eliminating the Root Cause

    2. The Challenge of Embracing a Fundamentally Different Management Paradigm

    3. Process Management And the Importance of Inner Wisdom And Creativity

    4. The Living Organization

    5. Organizational Evolution Theory

    6. Understanding the Challenge of Developing a Partnership Culture

    7. Conclusion Comments and Final Thought

    8. Organizational Evolution-Food for Thought

    9. Evolution of Human Context

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