Building: High Performance Organizations
In over 20 years of real-world experience, OLC has helped organizations develop specific "Organizational Capabilities" that enable the achievement of high performance, foster innovation and engagement, and help knowledge workers use their full potential.
The Magic Notes
Few can hear the magic notes and have danced with joy together.
Many have been drowned by the noise of fame and their desire for material gain.
The universe cries for what could be, the choices that went wrong.
It cries for those who pass this way and didn’t awake to sing their song.
Organizational Evolution-Food for Thought
We need to understand that our partnerships are the school of life. We must find ways to effectively facilitate improvements in the level of organizational partnerships and in the multitude of purposes we seek to achieve in daily lives as the means of realizing sufficient prosperity to sustain the well-being of our society and foster positive human evolution.
This model illustrates the evolutionary process of organizational transition from domineering organizations to self-manage partnership organizations. The context within which organizations currently exist varies widely as does their ability ro create learning opportunities to build higher levels of partnership. Each organization ischallenged to develop a "Living Organization" thus providing professional workers with the knowledge, capabilities, and relationships to adapt efficiently and effectively to change.
1. Alleviating the Symptoms of Societal ill Health and Eliminating the Root Cause
2. The Challenge of Embracing a Fundamentally Different Management Paradigm
3. Process Management And the Importance of Inner Wisdom And Creativity
5. Organizational Evolution Theory
6. Understanding the Challenge of Developing a Partnership Culture
7. Conclusion Comments and Final Thought
8. Organizational Evolution-Food for Thought