Building: High Performance Organizations
In over 20 years of real-world experience, OLC has helped organizations develop specific "Organizational Capabilities" that enable the achievement of high performance, foster innovation and engagement, and help knowledge workers use their full potential.
The Magic Notes
Few can hear the magic notes and have danced with joy together.
Many have been drowned by the noise of fame and their desire for material gain.
The universe cries for what could be, the choices that went wrong.
It cries for those who pass this way and didn’t awake to sing their song.
Organizational Evolution Theory
I was recently made aware of the Berkana Institute’s “Two Loops” model. This model illustrates how systems change or paradigms shifts can happen at the level of whole societies. It shows the curves of the old system dying and the new system rising to replace it.
The two-loop model can be applied to many different situations. The transition does not mean everything needs to be built from scratch but rather parts of the old system need to be transformed from the old to the new. As one change leader described it, often change agents need to hospice the old system and be a midwife to the new.
In the previous section on the living organization I explained the importance of context at the individual, organizational and societal level. It is important to recognize that there has been a rapid acceleration in human knowledge and wisdom as a result of the efforts of many inspired and wise people. This change in context is helping enable the paradigm change towards a partnership organization and a realization that our evolutionary purpose is to create a happy, healthy and equitable world for ourselves and our children. The attached model “Evolution of Human Context” identifies many of those who have contributed to the acceleration in human knowledge and wisdom.
There are so many dimensions to societal change and the one my research has primarily focused on has been transitioning from a domineering organization to a partnership organization in business operations and projects. I view this transition as being essential to improve organizational prosperity and provide the foundation for human evolution.
A transition from the domineering organizational paradigm to the partnership organizational paradigm has been going on for many years. The degree to which this is being realized has been influenced by many factors. The findings from the research that I share in this document are that, regardless of where an organization is on its pathway to improving partnership, the key is providing front line workers with the ability to be knowledgeable on the work processes they use and empowering them to continually improve their work processes.
Key Thoughts
1. Alleviating the Symptoms of Societal ill Health and Eliminating the Root Cause
2. The Challenge of Embracing a Fundamentally Different Management Paradigm
3. Process Management And the Importance of Inner Wisdom And Creativity
5. Organizational Evolution Theory
6. Understanding the Challenge of Developing a Partnership Culture
7. Conclusion Comments and Final Thought